
Global Reach. Local Experience

☕️ 2 min read

A native-like app experience through the web

The Google Display Network (GDN) reaches about 90% of the internet users worldwide, which is an astonishing reality. With the right calibration, the network can be shaped to deliver ads and messages which help companies build their marketing and sales funnel. At Strategic Machines, we’ve been rethinking the process for lead generation and sales conversations, not by ignoring the power of the GDN or other social networks, but rather by envisioning a new channel which reaches globally but is experienced locally.

Our platform permits marketers to message customers and visitors in stores and venues worldwide, serving up content, offers and experiences that are relevant to the context of that venue. The process follows a classic publishing cycle, in which adverts and messages are staged for a specific venue, and with approval of the venue manager, are published to a web site that is generated dyanmically and dedicated to that venue. The publishing cycle updates periodically, with each cycle defined by the venue owner and guided by traffic volumes, sponsor content and customer priorities.

The web page for a venue is served through geofencing, QR codes, or sms, and is responsive to Bluetooth signals that may be detected throughout the venue. With SEO, the venues’ web page can also be discovered independently through a search engine or requested at the physical store or venue. In either instance, it can be installed on the home screen of the smart phone, providing a native-like app experience with rich relevant content that updates dynamically.

Why is any of this important? Right at the point of decision, a shopper can receive recipes for a dinner with special offers on ingredients, video instruction on a power tool with a special maintenance offer, live chat at a store to locate a specific product, a menu for a restaurant with sponsored messages from favorite vineyards, or even easy listening music from a sponsor to help pass time while strolling through the mall. The gamechanger is the ability for sponsors to deliver creative content with every message based on venue characteristics and demographics, providing a marketer with global reach while delivering a local experience.

Call us today. And let’s discuss how PROXIMITY can help your company grow.